Friday, December 22, 2006
Training in Training Dept of Crowne Plaza Mutiara Kuala Lumpur...
Chirstmas Charity Party @ Living Arts Studio - 17th Dec '06
Monday, December 04, 2006
Had a great fun during the 3rd Annual Bantus Capoeira Malaysia Festival....
Monday, November 27, 2006
International Buskers Festival
OK, some of you might not know what I am talking about. What is Buskers? Buskers are people who perform on streets to earn some money. It can be any forms of entertainment to entertain the people on streets.
On Saturday midnight, there’s a Buskers Party on streets at Asian Heritage Row by Carlsberg. It was great… get to see how they swallow fire and how they play with fires. Even acrobatics, jokes, juggling of knives, walk on knives and etc. 3sa, Li Yian, Melvin , and I was there from 12am till 3.30am.
This is an annual event, but next year the venue is yet to be confirmed. Very soon there will be a local buskers festival going on as well. Will update everyone when I get to know when….
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Something sHocKinG happen today during my semester exam... =) vEry sUrpRising...
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
3rd Bantus Capoeira Festival

Wednesday, November 01, 2006
My French study trip Oct 06' - BD 17

Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Paintball War Game by Batch 17 18th Sept 06'
People out there, remember this; do not under estimate girls… they are mean machines man… RESPECT them….. They fight like guys as well. Basically, I got whacked up badly by my girl classmate. During the game, you will see their team work and their fighting spirit just to achieve/accomplish their goal and mission. The way they shoot each other and the way they help their comrades during the WAR… SALUTE to all that participated in the game yesterday. After my game, I took the opportunity to grab some nice shots of the action of my classmates during their fight. Jay John says that when I’m on the ground taking photos, I look like Steve Irwin the Crocodile Hunter. Hahahaha… I am really amazed of my own photography skills, the satisfactory feeling is there. Everyone really had fun and the feeling of Paintball. Most of us got a mark or scar on our body after the game. Thanks to my classmates taking the initiative to organize this game. GOOD GAME BATCH 17…!!!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
my convocation @ KL Convention Centre...Plenery Hall 10th September 2006

YAA...HHOOOooo...!!! Im a higher diploma holder now....!!!
Sunday was my Convocation for my Higher Diploma in Hospitality Management. As usual lah!, we finish our exams last year December, but we are having our convocation the following year.... Basically the celebration not there anymore. Tak ada 'UMMH'...Not really that excited but 'still ecited'..hehehe... My parents came all the way from Kuching to attend my convocation and I spend my whole weekend with them. We went fo rnice food and I talk non stop to them.. Basically sharing what I've gone through during my stay in KL for this whole year. Ooopss... Lari Topik !

Back to KL Convention Centre, I reached there approximately 11.30am. The registration counter was already in a long queue as well as the collection of robe. Students are getting more early to reach there due to experience. After my registration and collection of robe, I met my classmates and we all started to be a bit excited, and started to take photos. Individual photo, group photo, pair photo, posing photo, and etc. At that moment, we were like stars of the day. Hheheheh... some say that the picuture will be posted in newspapers as headline (just kidding)...

Lecturers greeting us and Congratulate us...then the most important thing to see is the proud and happy faces of our parents.... Normal routine wil be done, e.g. walk to the hall, go on stage to collect our scroll, greet the guests and lecturers, and etc... then lastly the high tea... nice. This year's convocation, is much shorter than last year. the plenery hall is so cosy. The speech from the invited guest is not really that interesting... most of the students were fallen asleep...hehehehe...cos the hall was so cosy.... that's the whole convocation of mine...
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
arts & earth = Save our environment...
Arts and Earth

This event is basically an event that creates an awareness to everyone about the importance of our environment. We need to save them before it's too late. Most of our rivers are polluted by those chemical waste and rubbish. Do you think that we are drinking clean water everyday if these rivers are not save by us? Everyone can make a difference out of it when we realized that we are eventually drinking water from dirty drains, toilets, polluted water and etc.
Other than water, recycle of paper, cans, and etc... are part of saving our environmentas well. Try not to use too much of plastic bags and use the cloth bag and it can be reuse again during shopping and etc...
Merchandise such as t-shirts, CDs', and postcards are sold there as well but those are funds to save our rivers. Please check out the link of Arts & Earth to know more about the event dates and activities.
Till then, peace out !!!
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Site visit to KL Conention Centre...
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
unExpeCted siTuatiOn around me... Why???
Undergoing a photo shooting is not easy yet is FUN...!!!
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Last Week was a Rush Week for me... 15th July 06'
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Celebration of Adrian's Birthday at Red Box Karaoke
Hey, I am glad that my friend Adrian invited me for his birthday and we eventually gave him a nice gift before we went to Red Box. We were having our normal training and we gave him a nice birthday roda. He will get additional 2 more rodas for tomorrow and this coming Saturday street roda at Bangsar. Happy Birthday again Adrian. Hope you really have a nice and enjoyable celebration.

Everyone really sing in the karaoke room. We have buffet dinner and we have cakes to eat. Hehehe... The most happening part is when there is a song whereby noone knows how to sing, everyone will just simply sing out something and the mood is just there. During the cake session, everyone was so crazy until after the birthday song, they selected a chinese new year song to be the background song for the cake cutting session.
After the whole thing, the mood went down and left about 15 minutes, whenever there are songs to sing, they will just sing until the 1st part of the chorus then they will change to the next song due to limited time. Hehehe... After the whole thing, everyones voice are rough and our throat are so dry out. We conclude the night 'yam cha' at Restaurant Rafi in SS15.
Till then good night and Happy Birthday to Adrian. 11 July 2006
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Emotional moment... Brazil lost to France. How can that be ?
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Spending a great time in Hong Kong Disneyland

Hong Kong Disneyland here I come...!!! My little cousie has planned all these for me and at the same time she can have fun as well. She's a very cute and smart little gal. She's so adorable and her mind is full of surprises for everyone. This is my 1st time to Disneyland at this age, but when I was 5 yrs old I went to Wonderland in Sydney, Australia. The entrance of Disneyland Hong Kong is full and packed with people from China,Hong Kong, and other foreign travellers because it was a Saturday and the weather is hot. The theme park is really wide and spacious. While you enter the entrance,

The only words that I can hear is 'whoa...' because everyone is amazed by the fireworks show. After the show, everyone is heading towards the main entrance of Disneyland with a very exhausted yet relaxed expression, but in their heart is still very excited and cheerful because The Magical World of Disneyland has created a magical experience for them... It was really a world of Magic...
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Having fun with Grupo Capoeira Brasil Hong Kong

They haven't got their own academy yet, so Instructor have to travel to different places to teach in the sports centres. Tonight I ended up with one of his class which is located at Kowloon Park. The class was not too packed tonight, just around 8 student including me. normally they have about 15 - 20 students. It was a great training exposure with them and I picked up a few training drills tonight and we change partners quite often.

I know the moves we do but I just can't get the names right. I'll write it down next time. Sorry mates ! These Capoeiristas here are quite easy going guys, they really have fun in the class and they really enjoy playing Capoeira.

Especially when they are playing in the roda with thier instructor. I tried my very best to play in the roda and with everyone. They are good and they really apply what they've just learned. I've got a few advice from the Instructor after I've played with him, it's a good game. I really enjoy myself. Guys, it's fun to get to know other Capoeiristas.

Not to worry, I will keep this blog updated... Cos I will still be training with the Instructor for a few more classes and with different Capoeiristas. I will join their public roda in Mong Kok on the 25th June and as well as their 1st Anniversary on the 29th June.
Valeu karat, boa noite...
Thursday, June 15, 2006
being so exhausted and tired of exams...friends are leaving too...
I think I know why am I so exhuasted, cos we are actually discussing and arguing our topic and stressing to know the answer. I can say that, this gruop of friends are very different from others. We can even make jokes and teasing each other during the discussion and revision. The topic of laughter will be 'me'. But sometime I'm lucky so I can escape from the teasing part. Anyway, we are free from exams and now having holidays.....yeah...
The sad part for me is that, some of my friends are leaving Malaysia and going back to their own country. The Finnish students are leaving, my 2 capoeira mates are leaving too. Contente is leaving for Brazil then Canada, Asad will be going to China... These people are fantastic people, they are friendly, kind, cheering, playful and etc.... I am going to miss you guys... 'sob sob'... As I said, memories are always sweet... Cheers to you all and all the best i future....
We shall meet again...
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
My expereince towards playing Capoeira...

I joined Capoeira is all after the movie called 'ONLY THE STRONG' acted by Mark Dacascos. That time I'm still very young about 13yrs old maybe.
I can say that I'm quite fortunate enough to join the group named, Grupo Bantus Capoeira Malaysia. Basically this is my 1st martial-art background after 20yrs.

From the day I started playing or training Capoeira until today is nearly 10 months. I can say that, there are still a long way to go in order to know and to feel more about Capoeira spirits. The basic movements plays a very important role in Capoeira and it builds the inner strength out from our individual body. Capoeira is not only about how to fight or do any acrobatics moves...

It's also about Brazilian culture,history and customs. At least now I can only count from 1-10 in Brazilian Portuguese.
1st of all, I don't really like histories but I just don't know how I can remember about the history of Capoeira. The beginning of the training will be tough, but after when your body get used to the strecthes and the control of your body and soul. You will enjoy the game and the martial-art.
Other than only doing 'ginga','negativa','meia lua','armada','compasso',queixada', and etc.

I get to learn how to play the very unique instrument called Berimbau.
It represent Capoeira and it is the main instrument compared to the Atabaque(floor drum/Conga) and Pandeiro (tamarind).
Other than that, I learn how to sing the Capoeira songs. It will be in my head like for the whole week o even worse. That is the good thing, but I can't lead in the roda because I'm still struggling to sing out from my throat. Everything takes time to learn and to adapt. Practice makes improvement not perfect. At the starting point, I felt pressured and wanted to acheive a certain level in the whole training and game. Until I talk to my seniors and my instructor, I realise that Capoeira is an on-going training and we can't give ourselves pressure. We have to enjoy the game and the training. Train without pressure can really make a differnce.

Now, I can see my progression in the whole game of Capoeira. Basically the comments are from my instructor and my seniors who train with me and trying their best to mould and drill me. They spill out whereever is my mistakes and weakness. Then they will correct me and support me. In this whole Capoeira game is all about supporting and cheering for your friends in the game. But fortunately I have a group of training mates that train with me and we have fun together.

The pictures which are in this blog are basically the activities and the happy moments of me and the rest of the Capoeiristas from Grupo Bantus Capoeira Malaysia. As well as the Grupo Taylor's Bantus Capoeira Club, they are still very fresh and they enjoy themselves during training and they really communicate well to each other. Basically, Capoeira is a very big family and Bantus is not small as well. We will try our very best to grow this Bantus family.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
time flies...things change...

Things nowadays can really just change after a click or a blink. The Finnish students are going to leave soon and in my circle of friends will short of a few in KL, but my network is growing all the way to Finland.
Just a few blink,they are leaving and now I am an undergraduate and I'm starting to seek for employment or a place for my internship. Trying to go overseas but is not that easy as it seems, there are lots of paperwork and research to be done... I'm feeling like sitting in a rollercoaster or a mary-go-round in this period of time.
Maybe is just a beginning and this will pass and very soon...'I hope'...!
there's a saying, :'whenever after a rain comes, there will be a sunny day.'
I hope my sunny day will come...very soon....