Whoa... lately really busy and all my schedules are messed up. So, I think I have to postpond my cover for my French trip experience with you all. Now, I really need to share and update anyone of you out there reagarding an upcoming event organised by Bantus Capoeira Malaysia. It's the 3rd Annual Batizado by Bantus Capoeira Malaysia. All the Bantus Capoeiristas from Brazil, Australia, Singapore, and visitors from Thailand will be coming down to Kuala Lumpur for this huge/big and exciting event. The event is week long event starting from Monday-20th November 06' until Sunday-26th November 06'.
The event consist of workshops, party, street rodas, Batizado and etc... The Batizado is basically a ceremony for the Capoeiristas to exchange their cord for a higher level. But, for the beginners will be for them to be 'baptize' or known as welcome to the Bantus family. The workshpos are conducted by Mestre Pintor (Brasil Academy), Professor Gringo (Australia Academy), Instructor Claudinho (Singapore Academy), Instructor Rafael (Malaysia Academy), and Instructor Quek (Malaysia Academy).
Other than that, we do have street rodas which is we play on streets exactly like how it's played in Brazil. This is also to create an awareness for the public. Let them know the existance of GRUPO BANTUS CAPOEIRA MALAYSIA. For the capoeiristas from Malaysia can get the chance to play with our foreign guests. To exchange our skills, knowledge, experience, and etc.
The party is basically for everyone, performance will be put on by senior students, instructors and special guests. There will be Samba Dances going on after the performances...
For more information, please check out our website which is www.bantus.com.my for more details of this event. Or just click on the title...
Till then... See you all there...!!!