This is a very late update to my friends who are concern on reading my blog. Everything is not settled down yet, due to dealing with a lot of stuff. Lots of things coming up this month after my trip. Anyway, will talk about what's up lately a bit later. Hehehe...
Just to share in summary about my trip to France. My whole degree class are involved in this study trip and we will spend our entire 2 weeks in France. Places that we are 'exposed' to are Toulouse, Foix, Mirepoix, Gaillac, and Carcassonne. The places that I've just mention are places that we visited. We spend most of our time in Toulouse and Foix. It's a long journey to travel from Malaysia to France. After the 12 hours of flight, most of us can't even feel our butt =) don't even think about the travelling after when we touch down in Paris followed by the 3 hours of city tour on bus. Then 6 hours travelling in the TGV
which is their fast train to Toulouse and then at last reaching in Foix after 2 hours later in the bus. LOL...

So, after around a 23+ hours of travelling, then we get our chance to rest and sleep. When we reach Foix is already 11pm+ and the whole town is asleep. Most of us were so tired until they can't sleep after their shower. Guess what? Me and my roomates had a cold bath and the water is freaking freezing. Exactly like using melted ice to shower. Some of my friends went out and touring around the quiet town.
The Chateau de Foix
is really a nice place to visit. This is exactly a French version of Great Wall. I think it will be just a small part of Great Wall...Hehehe... The view was fantastic from the top. There will be a photo of the Chateau from the early in the morning and in the night. It's a totally different feel seeing it.

Have stop here... to be continue...