Im late to update my blog as usual...

The crowd was just nice, we have Fernanda, Santiago, Lynn, Stanley, Valerie M, Kennedy, Jeanette, Marissa, Denise, Quek, Shidah and Me. Stanley was dressed up with calflings and!!! Lynn was awesome that night... never seen her dressed up like that before but's a Compliment from me and Shidah... I was underdressed cos i totally did not follow the dress code of Black and White...i was with white top and jeans... =) hehheeh...but thanks to Jeanette for the save up line towards Stanley.... cos i'm always in my formal attire and that night was special that's why i wear something different. hahhaahaha.....

Everyone looks great that night... and the whole place was smell of Lilies... I really had a great time there and that night , the whole setting reminds me of my old time working in the restaurant and kitchen.... preparing the food and serving the food and wine to the guests.... i feel good that night... the dinner was AWESOME!!!!! i like the fish and the potatoes..and not to mention about the "beefy role"....i will look into the right spelling for that... the wine was quite light that night but is really good... the salad was great..but unfortunately i dont take much of Cheese... During the dinner everyone was busy chatting and eating.... the conversation was full of jokes and some disgusting topic as well... but is good that everyone is being themselves and not holding back... 

I've just attended a Fine Wine & Dine at Fernanda's place for Stanley's birthday celebration... the whole apartment was properly decorate and the ambience was cozy and comfortable... the lights were deemed...and soft Brazilian Music were played and everyone just sit at the couch with their Champagne and Wine, chatting with each others...

After the dinner, everyone was sitting down at the living area..for Shisha and Chocolate Fondue...and Kennedy and Stanley start playing the guitar and start singing... Denise playing the frog (music instrument and it sound like the frog "krok krok krok")... Everyone enjoyed their night with fabulous food & wine, and ambience and entertainment... hahahaha... we will be having this more often...