The annual festival was fantastic... I just can't explain to whoever never join the workshops and the whole event. Only one word to describe which is 'FUN'...!!! Just can't wait for the next festival and Batizado... i really enjoy the workshops with Mestre and instructors, you enjoy the whole workshops...

There are laughter and exciting moments. Definitely is a tough training session but all the effort was really worth it. Got the chance to train with different instructors together with their skills and knowledge.

We get to learn and play Maculele in the roda and everyone was involve and the axé of the roda was great. New songs were sang I really open up my eye for all the moves that were done by the Brazilians and my seniors. They were fantastic.

The worshop for Mortals were something new to me, i don't even know how to flip myself and how to get the momentyhm. Profeseur Gringo and Insturctor Claudinho, and Coelho assist us and coaching us how to flip ourselves. I just can't believe that I've done it. We went for a dance class as well, conducted by Claudinho...which is Forro. This is really fun... LOL...
The night in MAISON, we were having the Viva Brasil Party... My seniors and the instuctors from Brasil did the performance there in the club. They perform the Maculele, Capoeira Regional, Capoeira Angola, and never forget the Samba percussion. When Rafael and Gringo were palying the Angola, everyone were laughing because it was so funny. They use their skills to challenge each other and making fun of each other.

Batizado is the day when all of us the beginenrs getting 'Baptized' by our Mestre, Profeseur, or Intructors... Basically I was 'Baptized' by my Instrutor Rafael, he gave me a 'headbutt'... that w as a good one. At last I got my Coral Corda. Then we have to play with our visitors from Singapore, Thailand, and Australia... Whoohoo...!!!

We really enjoy to the MAX... the party continue after the

Batizado all the way to Marissa's place in the afternoon for Barbeque...
Hope to see more Capoeiristas next Batizado... Bantus Capoeira for LIFE...!!!