These people are not ordinary people...hahaha.. they are fighters (Combat Fighters)... from Celebrity Fitness One Utama.
Before the run, I can't join them for morning running session cos I'm working on Saturdays... Eventhough I train Capoeira during the weekdays, but I have a very bad stamina due to I do not have a good control in breathing.
This run is very challenging why? Because we have to wake up at 4.00am cos we are meeting up at Jasima (Mamak shop) at One U. We move out from there at 5.30am to Shah Alam. Our category is F and G, we start at 7.05am. Qualifying run time is 55mins for 10km. I ran with Wong and I did not stop for 5km. I was surprised that I can jog quite consistently... and my breathing is at the same pace as my footstep.
The whole run was quite challenging to me, especially my mentally. We will intend to give up easily but the environment change my thoughts. People around me are running and over cutting me, no matter how tired they are. That is the determination and the drive that keep everyone running. I'm not too sure anyone of you out there agree on my statement: -
Jogging is all about focus and determination".
The overall feeling was totally awesome, eventhough my time was 64mins. The end results are not the most important thing, it is the experience that counts. At least in life for now, I've achieved something.
CONGRATULATIONS to all who've participated!!!

Upcoming events:-
Genting Trail Blazer 2008 - 2nd November 2008
Mizuno Wave Run 2008 - 19th October 2008. http://www.pacesetters.com.my/events/mizuno/2008/mizuno.htm