Sunday, November 18, 2007
Work, Passion & Interest
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Job Vacancy - GSI Travel Sdn Bhd

Ticketing & Reservation - x2
Tour Planner - x2
Account & Administration - x1
Sales Executive - x1
Feel free to send in your resume to the following e-mail address:
Mr Charles - or
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Street Roda - Bantus Capoeira Malaysia
Aug 25, '07 9:00pm
End :
Aug 25, '07 10:00pm
Across road of Bangsar Village II, Opposite Hong Leong BAnk, outside of Czip Lee Bookstore.
Public roda for all Bantus Capoeiristas and also for any visitors that plays capoeira. For those who don't know what is 'roda', it is actually a circle and we play Capoeira in the circle. Together with music, clapping and songs, nevertheless, the Energy. Hope to see you all there. Muito Capoeira...
Friday, August 17, 2007
Repeat subject header “I’M TAGGED, THEREFORE…”
Copy + paste these rules in your entry.
Complete these 15 totally useless statements & questions.
Mention who you were tagged by, followed by 8 people who you’ll be tagging.
WARNING!Failing to do so and you’ll be cursed eternally with a 3-holed nose and a low-cost flat.Here’s another tag game.
If I was an opposite gender, what would my party clothes be like? Like Jesicca Alba in the movie named 'Honey' the dress she wore during the party that she went with the so called 'manager' of hers... what a loser manager...
At 10am this morning, I was… still dreaming on bed cos not working and having a good rest.
At 10pm tonight, I will be… at the academy trowing myself upside down and practise my moves...
Who should be the next Malaysian Prime Minister? A person that is neutral on races and can really bring this country to the next level of advancement...
If my spouse told me to do without sex for a year, I would… look for other entertainment which nothing to do with long as i feel that my time is filled with value...mmmuuuaaaahahahahha..!!!
If I was a piece of a car, I would be the… I would want to be the body of the car... can be pampered by my owner... and make them proud...hehehhe
If I was told one day that I would have to give up either 1) anything chocolate OR 2) ever seeing the beach again, for the rest of my life, which one will I give up?
If I have a choice, I would not give up both cos I love chocolates and natural environment...if this is the case, I will have to give up chocolate then....cos beach is part of mother nature..
Singapore is good for… their Christmas decorations...especially at Orchard Road....
If I could only say 3 words before I die, what would those last words be? I miss you...
Who would I like to be left on a deserted island with? A person that can talk to cos i can't stop talking...hehhehe
Die by drowning or by fire? by drowning...cos i think that is faster...
What one single thing would you buy with your last RM9.95? I think will be McDonald's Double Cheese Burger set....with one sundae corn.
If I opened a night club, what would I call it? 'cowabanga' club...and everyone get to be in beach attire...and have lots of fun and the decor will be based on beach theme....
Don’t cheat: what’s “bulbous”? It means “bulging” or swollen or something like that. And I think I’m right! heheheeh....(copied from Lynn)...
I think my ass is… tight...*blek*
And now I will tag:
Monday, August 06, 2007
Ratatouille Trailer
Yeah!!! This cartoon is showing very the soon... Can't wait to watch the little 'me' running around the kitchen with excitement and thrilled feeling; with all the knives flying around, rolling pins smashing towards 'me', then end up in a jar... hehehehe...
the whole scene in the kitchen really giving me all the flash backs during my time in college. Me and my classmates were having kitchen practicals... Kitchen to us at that time is like a playground or paradise to us. We fool around with raw items e.g. fish, chicken without head, duck, lamb rack, and etc. Showing all funny and nonsense poses... It's normal to see pots and pans flying around and hearing people shouting here and there. throwing food around...hehehehe...
We tast everything which we think are edible... we come up with our own sauces, food presentation, and our own dish. LOL... We got a lot of 'si fus' around... Chef Bala, Chef Norizan, Chef Kartina, Chef Pat, and etc... Chef Bala is the man... Don't mess with him, cos you will loose your sense of hearing for at least 2mins.... He can really shout and is quite weird cos he has a very thin body. Just Kidding.... All our chefs are nice people and they are sporting, they will always fool around with us after class...and during class sometimes... Our F&B lecturers are fun too and sporting as well.... Ms MunYee, Mr Patrick, Mr Reuben, Mr Tay Boon, Tengku Murad, and Puan Siti.... Wow... in this cartoon can really bring back so much of memories.... hehhehehe...
Frankly speaking, France do have nice what 'i' say in the movie line... hehehehe... e.g croissant, gateaux au chocolate, confit du canard, and etc.... the service wise will be fantastic as well... cos before meal, you will say 'Bon apetite'...
Till then, will meet you all the cinema on the 16th August 2007...
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Birthday Roda for Instructor Rafael
End: Aug 3, '07 10:00p
Bantus Academia
get the map from -
This is a practice in Bantus family, we will ask the birthday boy/girl to play in the roda with all the people who are around the roda. So, please attend this special moments to celebrate with our Instructor Rafael, give him an unforgetable birthday roda...
Muito Capoeira...
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Public Roda - Grupo Bantus Capoeira
End: Jul 28, '07 9:45pm
Opposite Bangsar Village II, in front of Czip Lee BookstorePublic roda for all Bantus Capoeiristas and also for any visitors that plays capoeira. For those who don't know what is 'roda', it is actually a circle and we play Capoeira in the circle. Together with music, clapping and the songs, nevertheless, the Energy. Hope to see you all there. Muito Capoeira...
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
It's Tag Time
I'm an Addict.. of BYTES & JACOB's sour cream...
I like to watch movies at anytime and I do watch repeated movies. Sometimes goes movie alone, not always is fun to go movie alone.
I hate loneliness and quietness.
I like to cafe and places that can give me room for mind relaxation... Where they play live Jazz Band, or any kind of Jazz and Instrumental Music.
Love to talk, talk, talk, talk, to my frens...
Can't sit still at one place and always like to move around, walk, jump, run, roll, anything... But not sitting at one particular place for the whole day mann...
Love natural sceneries... mountain, hills, sea, and etc.. as long as is not concrete...
Dislike reading books... Dislike theories... but sometime no choice, have to read... sigh
People I'm tagging:
1. Alex Tee
2. Xtremebaby
3. Vivian
4. Anson
5. Allan
6. Princess Stephanie
7. Jordan
8. Asad
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Never be great to be back to your own homeland...
I had lots of good food there and I really eat non stop during the 4 days stay. I had Laksa, Barbeque Pork Ribs from Barbeque Specialist, Open Air 'sio bee', my mum's 'bak chang', BING Cafe's White Summer & Tiramisu (BEST Tiramisu in Town), Sugarcane Coconut from 'Song Kheng Hai', and many many more delicious delicacies. Take a whole page to talk about food... Some of the food in my checklist was not being achieved and will have to wait until my next trip... LOL
Lots of changes and development going on in Kuching. I really going to miss some of the old buildings because they are going to be teared down soon within this few years for future development of the waterfront. Everywhere is under construction. Luckily can take the opportunity to grab some snap shots at the old wet market locatted at the end of the waterfront opposite the courthouse, with my 2nd cousin uncle and family. That stall serve a good taste of coffee and 'teh c'... money just can't buy back that kind of environment, it took so many years to build that kind of environment.
This trip also get to meet up with my God Parents and get to chat with few of my close buddies. Everyone had a good laugh and enjoy themselves during the dinner time.
Me, my dad and Uncle David, Jason, & Chaya went for the International Rainforest Musical Festival in Sarawak Cultural Village. We arrived quite early before the show starts. We manage to move around Sarawak Cultural Village and visit each and different Tribes' Houses. The video that will be shown below, is actually a recording of mine while we visit the Rumah Orang-Ulu. This is actually an unexpected scene. The uncle is actually preparing his dinner and he was taking care of the fire behind the house. When we get to know he knows how to playthe Sape, we ask him to play and he willingly to show us.
Friday, April 13, 2007
I've made through my Degree...thanks to you all out there.
Luckily that I have my family and my close friends that help me go through this bumpy and slippery road.
While doing my Dissertation, I'm really struggling but my family and friends are there to help me. Even my friend from UK motivates and hold me up when I'm down in the mud. I really take this opportunity to thank each and every one of them. If not because of you guys, I won't made it through my Dissertation.
Strive harder and never give up until the last minute. Congratulations to those who made it through as well...!!!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Surprised Birthday Party - 24.3.07
The whole thing starts from my friend telling me that she got problem with her relationship and that's how i fall into her trap and their plans... then we went for bowling, only me and her. That's a good distraction and i'm so concentrated to help her and to calm her down. Telling her not to be so down, and think positively... after bowling, went back to the studio because someone didn't take the padlock 'dai tao ha'...hehehehe... we went up to the studio and this time Jordan left and then when Yike heard the noisy music she became so frustrated and that is the time they lure me to the rooftop....
Then I told Teresa and Yike to leave the place now, but Yike hold my my arm so tight and Teresa being so check it out..Then my name was shouted and when i walk towards Teresa's voice, the only thing i saw was a group of people and 1 cake. That was the time they got me... i felt so touched. After that, we had a 'birthday roda'...'ass whupping session' and is damn pain mann....hehehehe..... this time was my first birthday roda, and i played with most of them who played Capoeira... the Axe..was not too bad... the party went on until 2am++...
Onece agian, I would like to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU to all my friends who were there for me and for those who can't make it for the party, everything ware appreciated... Until 23yrs, this is my 1st surprise party and this is the best and I will never forget it...this memory will stay within me forever... I Love you all....
Monday, February 12, 2007
Yahoo !!! Chinese New Year is coming..
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Tiring of Travelling... from PJ to KL
Don't know when will the government restructure the train service and make everything convenient to the public. Eveything is just not convenient to everyone.. Sometimes I really pity those people that are queuing up for the train. others just cut queue and pushing the inocent into the train... Imagine you are standing, and people behind you are pushing you into the train and then will be squeezed.... arrgghh....!!!!
Damn...i don't know how long will can I stand this kid of environment and situation.... That's why wvery morning I hope for the best to come... sometime, avoiding is not a good solution. Anyone can suggest anything to me or share your ideas with me. Till then, peace out and hope to hear from y'all...